viernes, 22 de julio de 2011

This is what I fear

1- Fumigating farms is killing the earth, causing babies malformation. In 10 years the soil is dead and working class families will have malformed kids + no resources to take care. Authorities and companies are long gone.
Government and regulatory agencies aren’t willing to fix this, so what will we have in 10-20 yrs? Malformed babies, dead useless land

2- Deforestation: I have not been to the rain forest nor will I think I will live there but it still worries me that the earth will have no more Amazon in 10 yrs at the rate it is being used. Used for short term gains, for cattle raising, so McDonalds can sell burgers and we can continue eating bbq.
What will we have in 10 yrs? Arid land, mud slides, loss of an incredible rich ecosystem, extinct medicinal plants, no place to connect and see nature.

3- Construction of dams in major rivers around the world, Patagonia, Brazil, Peru, Eastern Europe (Noticed underdeveloped countries only since first world countries are de-constructing dams given the horrible environmental impact.)
Dams interrupt fish flow, food particles providing a rich eating area for ocean fishes making species disappear, (the ones we eat such as salmon)

-Coral Reefs disappearing due to warmer water
-Hunting rare animal species for pleasure or medicinal purposes
-Factory fishing ships, catching more than what can be replaced

Oof, There is so much to fix, so many people to change their minds, to educate, to proof that we are on a dead end road.

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